Twinning 2023


Check out the program for our twinning.
International Twinning 2023 in Augsburg

July 13-16

Twinning 2023 EInladung


Sign-up right now until June 26 the latest. Be quick, only limited places available because of funding budget restrictions and location capacities! Pre-payment requested for seat confirmation.*

*Prepayment for visitors from Finland and Poland 127,00€.
*Pre-payment for visitors from Bodensee and WJA see Google Form for selected events.

Account Holder: Wirtschaftsjunioren Augsburg e.V.
IBAN: DE95 7205 0101 0000 0080 78
Bank: Kreissparkasse Augsburg

Purpose: Twinnings 2023, <First Name> and <Last Name>

Your seat will only be confirmed after pre-payment is received!